I am sure everyone has heard that red roses signify true love and passion, which is why red roses are in high demand during Valentine’s Day; but what do the other colors of roses mean? Whether you are in a new relationship and not ready to give red roses, or you simply want to congratulate your friend for a job well done, I am going to help you decode the color of roses, so you don’t send mixed signals to the recipient.
Red Roses mean love, passion, true love, deep love and everlasting love. Red Roses are generally reserved for your partner.
Dark Pink Roses also represent love, but a simple and light hearted love, possibly a new love or relationship.
Light/Pale Pink Roses are given to express sympathy.
Purples Roses represent love at first sight and also represent passion.
Blue Roses mean mysterious. Perhaps you are trying to understand your partner?
Green Roses represent fertility.
White Roses, like a white wedding dress, symbolize purity, innocence and loyalty.
White and Red Roses together signify love and unity.
Black Roses are a symbol of death and usually aren’t happily received. However, sometimes black roses can represent a new beginning.
Yellow Roses represent friendship and freedom. These are great flowers to give to your friends.
Orange and Peach Roses are given to congratulate someone for a job well done, such as a graduation or a promotion. Orange roses are also usually used in flower arrangements for fall weddings, and peach roses are also a nice way to express sympathy.